Our Services Include:


Debt collection is a job no volunteer should ever be asked to accept!  Because the likelihood of success is greater if the debt is addressed before it grows to a devastating amount, we stress communication promptly and repetitively.  To ensure uniform enforcement, our Boards are assisted in developing an action plan in accordance with the Covenants of the Association while allowing us to perform the tasks necessary to handle the accounts, making your job as a board member easy.


Another responsibility that volunteer board members should not have to deal with is enforcement. One big reason homeowners buy in a protected community is confidence that community standards will be honored. Our staff conducts routine inspections with respect towards all homeowners, building records and taking photographs to substantiate the position of the Board and your efforts to obtain compliance. When needed, the prescribed penalties or legal actions will be implemented by our team, while you are free to enjoy your community.

Maintenance & Vendor Performance

We can provide the expertise and the diligence to handle all necessary maintenance and repair work in the most cost effective manner possible. As an essential part of protecting property values, it is imperative that repairs be addressed promptly and that the work is done properly. We assist our Boards in projecting in advance the reserves that will be required for timely upkeep of all properties and facilities. We also represent the Association in contracting and managing regular maintenance services with outside vendors, including the approval and handling of payments.

Financial Management & Budgeting

It is a serious responsibility to maintain all financial records and to provide regular reports to the Board and the membership. All financial details are provided to Board members for their review. The annual budget draft is prepared for the board’s consideration as they work to adopt the annual spending plan. All expenditures are carefully reviewed and fully accounted for. The Board should have unlimited access and full knowledge of where the Associations finances are.

Risk Management & Insurance Review

Reviewing insurance policies can be complicated and confusing. Our Directors can count on us to review these policies with them and work together to make recommendations for changes as needed. Risk management is also emphasized with our Boards, and they are encouraged to employ maintenance techniques or facility modifications to minimize risk of loss. The Directors are the policy makers, and we assist by studying the needs and supplying them with our recommendations.

Meetings, Governance & Architectural Review

Annual Association Meetings can be stressful, so we assist our Boards to the extent desired with the conduct of the Annual Members’ Meetings and elections of Directors. We provide advisement and support in efforts to draft rules or resolutions and in efforts to revise community governing documents. Our office also assists your Architectural Review Board by compiling needed details for each application and generating any official communication between parties.


Let’s get in touch!